Monday, June 4, 2012

A pretty cool 3-D floral card.

It's been a rough couple of weeks for me with hurting my neck and back.  Don't ask.  I have no idea what I did.  I just woke up with a kink in my neck and it escalated from there.  In the meantime, I have been stuck on the couch with an ice pack.  I've been going a little stir crazy, but was able enough to put this Floral Birthday Card together for my girlfriend's 40th birthday.  I really like the way it turned out, and since I couldn't shop for scrapbooking supplies, I had to settle for what I had on hand (eek, scary for me;)   Check it out:

This is the paper I had on hand...hahaha, I did make some mistakes and had to scrounge around for more.  It happens.  Especially when you have an idea but can't quite make the pieces connect;)  But then inspiration took over...

I started folding squares into fours, and then into a triangle...

Then I drew the shape I wanted to cut the flower edges into....

I cut out my shape...

...and OOPS!  There goes that flower!  Note to self, pay attention to the center of the paper when folding so I know where to cut...

That's better:)  I only ended up needing 6 flower shapes.

I next glue-gunned some buttons for "stamens"...

Then I free-handed a "vase" (while staring at my collection of vases)...

OH!  and then I realized I would have to "scrapbook" the inside of my card BEFORE I could put together the front of it.  I didn't want to smash any of my pretty flowers;)

THERE!  The front of my girlfriend's card:)  I did attach some pink ribbon to the "dear friend" tag, and located some artificial leaves to mix up the look.  It's very 3-D.  I love it:) 
It sure felt nice to be able to craft again!

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